Everything You Need To Know About Proposer In Insurance 2025

Updated On: 2024-03-03

Author : Team PolicyBachat

Imagine a safety net that not only shields you from life’s uncertainties but also opens doors to unforeseen opportunities. Enter the realm of term insurance, where the unrecognized hero known as the ‘Proposer’ takes centre stage. In the complex world of insurance in India, the person proposing the insurance, known as the Proposer plays a pivotal role, wielding the power to safeguard loved ones and pave the way for a secure future. Let’s understand how crucial this person is, discovering the best term insurance plans and how they can make a big difference in our lives.

What is Proposer Meaning in Insurance

In the context of insurance, the term ‘proposer’ refers to the person or entity that proposes to take out an insurance policy. The proposer is the individual or organization seeking insurance coverage and is typically the one who initiates the process of obtaining an insurance policy.

The proposer is responsible for providing information to the insurance company, such as details about the property or risk to be insured, personal information, and other relevant details. This information helps the insurance company assess the level of risk involved and determine the terms and conditions of the insurance policy, including the premium amount.

Once the insurance company reviews the information provided by the proposer and agrees to provide coverage, a formal insurance policy is issued. The proposer then becomes the policyholder, and they are bound by the terms and conditions outlined in the policy.

Importance of Proposer in Term Insurance

In term insurance, the proposer is the individual who initiates the process of obtaining a term insurance policy. Here are some key aspects highlighting the importance of the proposer in term insurance in India:

Policy Ownership:

The proposer is typically the policyholder who owns the insurance policy. As the owner, they have the right to make decisions regarding the policy, such as choosing the sum assured, policy term, and beneficiaries.

Premium Payment:

The proposer is responsible for paying the premiums for the term insurance policy. Premiums can be paid annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly, depending on the chosen mode of payment.

Underwriting Process:

During the underwriting process, the insurance company assesses the risk associated with the proposer. Factors such as age, health condition, lifestyle, and occupation are considered. The proposer’s information plays a crucial role in determining the premium and policy eligibility.

Nomination and Beneficiary Designation:

The proposer has the authority to nominate beneficiaries who will receive the death benefit in the event of their demise during the policy term. This nomination can be changed by the proposer as needed, allowing flexibility in choosing who receives the proceeds.

Policy Alterations:

The proposer has the option to make alterations to the policy, such as increasing or decreasing the sum assured, extending or reducing the policy term, or adding riders for additional coverage. These alterations are subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance company.

Communication with the Insurer:

The proposer is the primary point of contact between the insured individual and the insurance company. They communicate any changes, concerns, or queries related to the policy. This includes informing the insurer about changes in personal details, contact information, or address.

Legal and Contractual Obligations:

The proposer is bound by the terms and conditions outlined in the insurance policy. The proposer needs to understand the contractual obligations and fulfil them to ensure the policy remains in force and the beneficiaries receive the benefits as intended.

Roles and Responsibilities of Proposer in Term Insurance

The proposer in a term insurance policy holds several important roles and responsibilities. These duties are critical in ensuring the smooth functioning of the policy and the fulfilment of its objectives. Here are the key roles and responsibilities of a proposer in term insurance:

  • Initiating the Policy: The proposer is responsible for initiating the process of obtaining a term insurance policy.
  • Disclosure of Information: The proposer is obligated to provide complete and accurate information to the insurance company during the application process.
  • Premium Payment: One of the primary responsibilities of the proposer is to pay the premiums on time.
  • Understanding Policy Terms: The proposer should thoroughly understand the terms and conditions of the term insurance policy.
  • Nomination of Beneficiaries: The proposer has the authority to nominate beneficiaries who will receive the death benefit in the event of the proposer's demise.
  • Communication with the Insurer: The proposer is the primary point of contact with the insurance company for any changes in a policy.
  • Adherence to Contractual Obligations: The proposer is bound by the terms and conditions outlined in the insurance contract.
  • Reviewing and Updating Coverage: The proposer should periodically review their insurance needs and assess whether the existing coverage meets their requirements.

Is Proposer Same as Insured

The terms “proposer” and “insured” can refer to the same person or be different individuals based on the specifics of the policy.

Same Person:

In many cases, especially for individual term insurance policies, the proposer and the insured are the same person. When you, as an individual, apply for a term life insurance policy to cover your own life, you are both the proposer (the one applying for the policy) and the insured (the person whose life is being insured).

Different Individuals:

However, there are situations where the proposer and the insured are different individuals. For example, a spouse, parent, or business partner may act as the proposer, applying for a term life insurance policy on behalf of the insured person (the family member or business partner).

It’s essential to carefully review the terms and conditions of the specific insurance policy to understand the roles and responsibilities associated with the proposer and insured. The policy document will outline who is covered by the insurance, who is responsible for premium payments, and who has control over policy decisions.

Difference between Proposer and Insured in Term Insurance

Aspect Proposer Insured
Definition The individual initiating the insurance policy. The person whose life is covered by the policy.
Provides Information Submits personal details during application. May provide health history for underwriting.
Premium Payment Responsible for paying the premiums. Does not have a direct responsibility for premiums.
Income Source Proposer needs to have an income source Insured doesn’t need a source of income
Policy Ownership Typically the policyholder and owner of the policy. The life insurance coverage is for this individual.
Decision-Making Authority Decides on policy terms, beneficiaries, and changes. Typically does not have direct decision-making authority.
Nomination of Beneficiaries Can nominate beneficiaries for the death benefit. Subject to the choices made by the proposer.
Claim Benefits Proposer’s death doesn’t lead to death claim Insured’s death leads to death claim
Role in Underwriting Process Provides information affecting risk assessment. Subject to underwriting based on the provided information.
Policy Maintenance Responsible for policy maintenance. May influence health and lifestyle choices.
Can be the Same Person Yes, often the case for individual policies. Yes, when the insured and proposer are the same individual.
Can be Different Individuals Yes, in cases where one person purchases on behalf of another. Yes, when someone else initiates the policy for the insured.
Death Benefits No death benefit is provided for the family if he/she is not the insured person Life insurance nominees will get a death benefit in case of the demise of the insured.
Nominee The proposer can be the nominee of the term insurance policy Insured can’t be the nominee of the term insurance policy
Tax Benefits Proposers can claim tax benefits on premium payments Insured can’t claim tax benefits for premiums paid

Wrapping Up

The proposer in term life insurance plays a crucial role in the initiation, management, and maintenance of the insurance policy. As the individual who initiates the process, the proposer provides essential information during the application, influences policy terms and decisions, and takes on responsibilities such as premium payments and policy maintenance.

Whether the proposer and insured are the same person or different individuals, understanding the roles and responsibilities associated with the proposer is vital for ensuring the effective functioning of the term life insurance policy. From disclosing accurate information during underwriting to nominating beneficiaries and making decisions about policy alterations, the proposer’s actions have a direct impact on the policy’s effectiveness in providing financial protection to the insured’s beneficiaries.


What is Proposer in Insurance?

The proposer in insurance is the individual who initiates the process of obtaining an insurance policy, providing necessary information, and taking on responsibilities such as premium payments and policy decisions.

What is Proposal Form in Insurance?

A proposal form in insurance is a formal document filled out by the policy applicant, providing essential information about themselves and the risk to be insured, serving as the basis for the underwriting process.

Who is a Proposer in Insurance?

The proposer in insurance is the person applying for the insurance policy, responsible for providing accurate information, paying premiums, and making decisions related to the policy.

Can Proposer and Insured be Different?

Yes, the proposer and insured can be different individuals, especially when someone else initiates the policy on behalf of the person whose life is being insured.

When Does a Proposer Become a Policyholder?

The proposer becomes a policyholder upon the acceptance of the insurance proposal by the insurer, typically after the underwriting process is complete, and the policy is issued.

What Happens When Proposer Dies in Life Insurance?

In the unfortunate event of the proposer's death during the policy term, the life insurance coverage continues, and the death benefit is paid to the nominated beneficiaries.

Can the Proposer Be Changed?

In certain situations, the proposer can be changed by following the procedures outlined by the insurance company. However, this is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy and requires approval from the insurer.

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