Zero Deductible Car Insurance – Benefits, Coverages, Claims

Updated On: 2023-04-27

Author : Team PolicyBachat

Zero Deductible Car Insurance or No-deduction car insurance policies mean that consumers get to save some money in the event of a payment. However, there is a trend of higher repair costs and even a percentage or two more on premiums due to the added incentives.

Zero Deductible Car Insurance is a type of car insurance that has no deductible. This type of coverage is becoming more and more popular with drivers. It is beneficial for people who are not able to afford a higher deductible, or who have had an accident and want to avoid paying the high deductibles on their other policies.

The main benefit of Zero Deductible Car Insurance is that it allows you to drive without worrying about taking care of your deductible if you get into an accident. This means that you will be able to keep your car even if you cannot afford the repairs, or would have been unable to pay for them without going into debt.

A deductible is a specific amount of money that you agree to pay in the event of an accident. If you have an Rs.5000 deductible, then you will be responsible for paying for any damages that exceed Rs.5000. For those who are looking for cheap car insurance rates, but do not want to go with the higher deductible option, there are other ways to save money on your car insurance policy. For example, many people can get discounts if they have a good driving record and if they maintain their car properly.

What is a Zero Deduction Car Insurance?

Zero Deduction Car Insurance is a type of car insurance that offers the lowest possible deductible at a competitive price. It is designed for people who want to save money on their car insurance. Some people might not want to spend more money on car insurance for a deductible free policy.

No-deductible car insurance is a policy that does not require the policyholder to pay anything out of pocket when they file a claim. Zero-deductible plans are more expensive than policies with a deductible, and they are usually only applicable to collision and comprehensive coverage.

  • The pros of deductible free car insurance is that the insurance company will pay for all the damages to your car if you get into an accident.
  • The cons of this type of auto insurance is that the price can be higher. Some people might not want to spend more money on car insurance for a deductible free policy.

If you are wondering what the benefits are of this type of car insurance, then you will be pleased to know that it offers many benefits for those who purchase it. These benefits include the elimination of deductibles, a reduction in premiums and an increase in coverage. What does this mean for you as a consumer? It means that if you buy this type of car insurance, you will have an easier time getting your vehicle fixed and back on the road.


If you have a Rs. 5,000 deductible and Rs. 15,000 in coverage for accidental damage. Insurance company might pay Rs. 15,000 to repair your car, while you are responsible for paying the remaining Rs. 5,000 from your pocket.

How does Zero Deductible or No Deductible Car Insurance Works?

Picking a monthly premium car insurance and still having to pay out of pocket up to your deductible after an accident can be frustrating. If you want to protect your investment further, it might be a good idea to forget your deductible for the next time you need access coverage. No Deductible car insurance sounds pretty self-explanatory. You pay the fees every month and when you have an accident, do not need to pay a deductible for repairs or other expenses.

The car insurance company usually handles no deductible car insurance. This type of policy usually has higher premiums but often it's well worth it to have lower out-of-pocket costs in case you are involved in an accident. This is a contrast to how car insurance traditionally works, wherein a policyholder has to pay for repairs up to their deductible amounts before their coverage kicks in.

No-deductibles means that you pay the full cost of the policy from your pocket - and this will usually make them more expensive than traditional car insurance. However, doing so means that if you happen to be in an accident, then the cost won't be curbed by any deductibles or handling fees.

Pro’s Con’s
No charges after an accident Higher Premiums
Insurance company take care of all the risks Less Frequently offered
Save Time & Money -

How Can You Lower Your Car Insurance Costs?

The car insurance industry is a competitive and profitable one. There are many factors that affect the price of your policy, such as your driving record and age. However, there are also some factors that you can control that will help lower your car insurance costs.

First, you should try to avoid accidents or tickets by driving safely and obeying traffic laws.  Second, you should try to keep the cost of repairs to a minimum by using high-quality parts and getting regular maintenance done on your vehicle. Third, you can try to reduce the risk of theft by installing an alarm system or parking in a well-lit area with security cameras nearby.  

Fourth, if you have more than one car on the policy, make sure they are insured with different companies so that if one is stolen or totaled in an accident your other vehicles will still be covered at no additional cost.  Fifth, take advantage of discounts for being a safe driver (such as completing defensive driving courses), being over 25 years old, or having a clean driving record.

There are several ways to decrease your car insurance cost, including:

  • Reduce your coverage
  • Raise your deductible
  • Compare your rates
  • Explore available discounts
  • Shop around
  • Before you buy a car, compare insurance costs
  • Ask for higher deductibles
  • Reduce coverage on older cars
  • Buy your homeowners and auto coverage from the same insurer
  • Maintain a good credit record
  • Take advantage of low mileage discounts
  • Ask about group insurance
  • Seek out other discounts.

What is the Cost of Zero Deductible Car Insurance Policy?

To reiterate, you will likely pay a higher premium for coverages with no deductible. That is because the deductible is built-in as a way to share your risk with the insurer and can reduce your monthly premium significantly. With a "no-deduction" policy, you are solely responsible for the costs of any damages. A higher premium is charged because a zero-deductible (or low-deduction) policy takes on all the risk.

Car Insurance policy No Deductible Policy
Monthly Premium Rs. 1000 Rs.1500
Deductible Rs. 5000 Rs. 0
Yearly Maximum Rs. 2700 Rs. 2,800
Yearly Minimum Rs. 2,200 Rs. 2,800


The conclusion of this article is that you should buy a zero-deductible car insurance policy. The deductible free car insurance policy provides the best value to the customer and it will save them money in the long run. To reiterate, you will likely pay a higher premium for coverages with no deductible. That is because the deductible is built-in as a way to share your risk with the insurer and can reduce your monthly premium significantly. With a "no-deduction" policy, you are solely responsible for the costs of any damages. A higher premium is charged because a zero-deductible (or low-deduction) policy takes on all the risk.

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