Best Car Insurance Prices In Puducherry 2025

Updated On: 2023-10-11

Author : Team PolicyBachat

The Best car insurance premium quotes in Puducherry are rated solely based on “Premium” offered by the insurance company. The best car insurance premium quotes given are purely for understanding and the final decision should be taken by the customer based on his/her requirements.

Puducherry formerly known as Pondicherry is a well-developing state. It has a population of 8 lakhs; there were around 93 thousand registered vehicles across the Indian city of Puducherry at the end of the fiscal year 2017. Thereby increasing cars in this state ensure to buy cheap car insurance in Puducherry through our policybachat.

The best car insurance premium quotes in Puducherry (Karaikal) for Maruti SWIFT, 2018 manufactured, fuel used is diesel, 1248 cubic capacity, and 5seaters registered under RTO. The rates for the other cities in Puducherry would be slightly lower compared to Puducherry (Karaikal).

Premium: Factors like model and age of the car, fuel type, your age, the city where you live, profession, etc. these depend on the amount you pay for car insurance. You can use your NCB points and other discounts to cut down on your premium.

Cheapest Companies Premium
Future Generali 4125
National 4149
New India Assurance 4195

*Premiums given are for illustration purposes only* Please refer to the Website for the exact premium.

Why You Need Car Insurance in Puducherry?

  • Saving Time & Peace of Mind:

    If driving on the road and you met with an accident due to rainy roads or fast driving of another person will affect your life and car itself. The car has to repair it will cost you more than your hospital bills as a third party, making claims, finding good garages is difficult.

    Having a car insurance policy in Puducherry gives you peace of mind and you can save time without worrying about anything.

  • Insurance Mandatory by Law:

    According to the Motor vehicles act, 1988 the third-party car insurance covers all the claims that occurred in Puducherry but you can decide to go for a comprehensive car insurance policy too.

    The necessity of buying car insurance at the time of purchasing/usage of a car is the right decision to make. It was apparent that there would be any damage that caused a person at fault may not be able to pay for.

  • Insurance Coverages:

    So many car insurance policies provide coverages against bodily injuries, personal accidents, death and disability, vehicle damage, etc. all claims are covered under third-party coverage.

    And also having a comprehensive car insurance policy will ensure that your vehicle is covered for the costs incurred on repairs in case of accidents or bodily injuries in case of any collisions.

  • Good & Beneficiary Investment:

    Purchasing Car Insurance in Puducherry is a good investment and coverages, add-ons/riders, claims, expenses due to repairs and hospital bills, etc. are the benefits covered due to Car insurance policy in Puducherry.

How Car Insurance in Puducherry Can Protects?

  • Protection due to Damage: A Car Insurance policy can protect you from all the damages that are occurred by accidents with third-party liabilities. Buying a car is easy but maintaining and repairs caused by any unexpected situations are expensive and not bearable by a common man working for a small and happy family. Car Insurance in Puducherry will make your obligations simple and easy.
  • Third-Party Protection: It is mandatory to have Third-party Car Insurance in India. For example, your car crashed into a third-party owner's car and the vehicle was damaged due to your negligence. If you’re having a Car Insurance Policy in Puducherry then the cost of the repairs to the damaged vehicle can be covered.
  • Online Premiums: Car Insurance online can be done by Our Portal easily by filling in some required details and compare quotes with different insurers/companies. Choose low premiums which you are comfortable with, since there are no payments to be paid to insurance brokers, the insurance company gives benefits to the customer itself. Even renewing your policy online is simple and hassle-free & cost-effective.
  • After death Protection: If you are insured with a car insurance policy in Puducherry in cases of any sudden death of a car owner due to an accident. The insurance company will pay the expenses to your family.

What is the Car Insurance in Puducherry Add-on covers?

  • Zero Depreciation Cover:

    Zero depreciation car insurance or Nil depreciation or Bumper to Bumper cover protect your vehicle against all odds of collision damage, physical damages without considering depreciation into account, this impacts the complete coverage for damage caused.

    It is advisable to purchase zero depreciation car insurance for 5 years and zero depreciation bike insurance for 3 years. For Zero Depreciation Car Insurance calculation can be done using the portal where almost all the car insurance companies are offering their services.

  • Roadside Assistance Cover:

    This Roadside Assistance covers the repair costs of minor breakdowns like Towing Cost, Changing flat tires, or Emergency 5 Litre Fuel during a journey and provides access to secure the problems fix by this coverage.

  • Personal Accident Cover:

    If your owner of the car met with an accident 100% of the amount will claim to the person in case of irreplaceable damage or death.

  • No Claim Bonus:

    NCB is the No claim bonus which is offered to the car insurance customers at the time of renewal if there is no claim during the previous policy period. The no-claim bonus is a form of discount offered to the customers for not claiming in the previous policy period.

  • Key Replacement Covers:

    This Key Replacement covers in case you misplace or lose your key this cover will reimburse the cost of the key.

Things to Remember While Relocating your Car Insurance Policy in Puducherry

  1. Update Existing Policy: When you decided on relocating within India and moving to Puducherry/Pondicherry it is very important to update all your required details that are given to the insurance company like House Address, coverages, renewals, etc. And also upgrade with Comprehensive policy if you moved to union territories like Puducherry for more benefits.
  2. New Insurance Policy: Once you buy a car insurance policy it will be validated all over India but buying a new car in a new place is a must and it is mandatory. We at PolicyBachat have a dedicated customer support team to acknowledge at every stage of the process.
  3. Transfer NCB: Before relocating to your new address, if you planning to buy a new car, you must transfer the No Claim Bonus of your insurance policy to the new car.
  4. Alert of Premiums: The premium may vary when you relocate depend on the place/region you are staying in and the risks covered. The insurance terms may also vary as the legal regulations differ from one region to another. For example, if you relocate to a high-risk Zone-A (Puducherry) area, you will have to pay a higher premium.

FAQs - Car Insurance in Puducherry

  • Which is the best car insurance company in Puducherry?
  • The best car insurance company in Puducherry can be found on Our Portal. Each person has different perspectives some may think it’s better to cover cheap car insurance in Puducherry while some may consider availing highest coverage insurance as best.

  • How long does it take to get an insurance quote?
  • In our policybachat, it is easy to get an insurance quote in five minutes and compare the car insurance quotes with different general insurance companies. When you get the car insurance comparison on the site after 10 minutes you will get a call from our customer support they will lead you through the next step of the process. PolicyBachat is an IRDA-certified registered office and an Insurance Web Aggregators Private limited.

  • What happens if I drive without car insurance in Puducherry?
  • Yes, it is mandatory to get car insurance in Puducherry. If you are caught driving without insurance, you will face license suspension, fines, and registration suspension. Get car insurance online on our website because coverage can be expensive, but a lapse in coverage can be more expensive in long run. Compare cheapest car insurance quotes in Puducherry from several insurance companies on policybachat.

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